The Disco is full, and suddenly tear gas is in the air. Stampede at a Rap concert in a small Italian village. Six people are killed: two boys and three girls (14 to 16) and a nut (39), who had accompanied her daughter to the concert.

a police spokesman said, “Sky Italia TV”. More than 100 people were injured, 13 of them seriously. One of the allegations: An emergency exit was blocked.

About 1,000 Fans were in the disco “Lanterna Azzurra” (the blue lantern), it is located in Madonna del Piano, near Ancona on the Adriatic sea. On the stage rapped Sfera Ebbasta (26).

hard work for the use of forces: the mass panic 100 people were injured photo: Vigili del Fuoco / dpa

bouncer: Go back inside!

An Unknown sprayed in the dense crowds with tear gas. Among the visitors in a state of panic. The people ran in panic to the exit. “We went to one of the emergency exits, but he was blocked. The bouncer told us we should go back inside,” he quoted the “Corriere della Sera” a 16-Year-old was injured.

reported As a paramedic, many of the injured in the jostling bruises, but also broken bones suffered. The fire Department released the dramatic images from the scene of the accident. Rescue workers tending to the injured on the road. “Let us through”, you can hear one of the forces call, as a sun through the picture is pushed.