Tele-emergency doctors could soon be the solution to the shortage of skilled workers in Lower Saxony. They help via video chat and thus relieve the burden on medical staff.

In order to reduce the burden on the emergency services in rural regions, the Lower Saxony state parliament has made a groundbreaking decision. As NDR reports, emergency doctors in Lower Saxony will in future be supported by a teleemergency system that enables care via video, telephone and digital data transmission.

According to NDR, the Interior Minister of Lower Saxony, Daniela Behrens (SPD), emphasized the need for such a measure. Although the number of emergencies has not increased, the emergency services are increasingly having to close gaps in comprehensive medical care. Strengthening the emergency services is therefore essential.

A pilot project in the Goslar district has been testing the use of the teleemergency system since 2021, reports “kma Online”, among others. This not only gave the paramedics on site more legal certainty, but also relieved the emergency doctors so that they could concentrate on critical operations. Other districts have now joined the project, which further underlines the successful response and potential of the innovation.

As NDR reports, the aim is to introduce teleemergency medicine nationwide. The state of Lower Saxony is planning to put out a tender for the required software. The technology should be available by the end of 2025. It will then be decided at which control centers in Lower Saxony specially trained tele-emergency doctors will be stationed.

However, according to “Aerzteblatt”, it could take until 2029 before the new technology can be used across the board.

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